C. QUINTANA (CQ) [pronouns: she/any] is a queer NB writer with Cuban blood and New Orleans roots based on Canarsee and Munsee Lenape land in Cypress Hills, Brooklyn. Across form, CQ’s writing centers on human connection and proclaims, “you are not alone.” Developed and produced nationwide, CQ’s plays include THE GENDERLESS PLAY EXPERIMENT (Carthage College New Play Initiative), BEASTGIRL with music by Janelle Lawrence (Kennedy Center), AZUL (Diversionary Theatre), SCISSORING (INTAR), EVENSONG (Astoria Performing Arts Center), ENTER YOUR SLEEP (Yale Cabaret), and more. Most recently, Life Jacket Theatre Company selected CQ to develop a new verbatim play on trans joy (JOYFUL JOYFRIENDS) as the company’s inaugural Trans+ Playwriting Commission recipient and Audible named their audioplay THE 126-YEAR OLD ARTIST (available on the platform) one of the “8 Best Theater Listens of 2023.” CQ is the recipient of grants and fellowships from NYSCA, Café Royal Cultural Foundation, MacDowell, Van Lier New Voices, Queer/Art, and Lambda Literary. Television writing credits include AMC’s ORPHAN BLACK: ECHOES, Fox’s ALERT: MISSING PERSONS UNIT (Season 2), and ABC’s THE BAKER AND THE BEAUTY. For more, visit www.cquintana.com or @cquintanatown