NOTE: The script is currently available in a Manuscript Edition while the final Acting Edition is being prepared.
Three middle-aged women, friends since college, embark on what was billed as a high end wellness spa retreat only to discover one of them, with the help of her new and mysterious business partner, has changed the itinerary to a wilderness survival camp. As everything spins out of control, the play offers a hilarious take on unfulfilled dreams, finding our true selves, and the crucial bonds of female relationships. Can these lifelong friends survive bears, forest toilets and one another?
Casting & Production
ROBYN — 40s to 50s. Any ethnicity. Married Midwestern supermom of four boys. If you need something, chances are she has it somewhere in her oversized discount purse. She’s the class mom, den mom, fundraiser mom who volunteers for everything, puts everyone else’s needs before her own and is skating the edge of mom burnout.
SALLY BEN — 40s to 50s. Any ethnicity. Self made wealthy southern business owner/creator of an organic line of hair care products. She can put together a room or an outfit at a moment’s notice. A good and supportive friend. Has probably never been camping in her life.
EMMA — 40s to 50s. Any ethnicity. A late bloomer who is easily distracted by the next shiny thing. A loyal friend who hasn’t found herself but will never stop looking.
MALOU (LOU) — 40s to 50s. Speaks with an Icelandic accent. Physically strong. Obsessed with doing everything “The Viking Way.” Very capable in the woods. Often hilariously deadpan.
Deep in the woods.
Present day.
“The biggest mistake a reader could make here is to assume that this is a “women’s show,” with nothing to offer male viewers. To make that assumption would mean a lot of men missing out on possibly the funniest production in metro Detroit this season.”
—Detroit Free Press
“A comedic, heartfelt and modern show about what it means to be a woman… The characters fill a girls trip with depth and comedic relief. The show quickly draws viewers in with thrilling turns every time you think you can predict what’s next. WHAT SPRINGS FORTH inspires viewers to self reflect and live with an open mind.”
—The Sun Times News
“This production is the world premiere of Carey Crim’s peach of a script. A breezy 90 minutes with no intermission slips by quickly, sending you out with a smile. Kudos to the Purple Rose for spotlighting a fresh and original story.”
—Detroit Free Press